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L16 Light, like a smart machine, with 16 cameras.

release:2021/7/21 source: author: browse:1381second

Phoenix technology news Beijing standard time on October 8, according to American technology blog Gizmodo reported that light L16 is a similar to the smart phone shape and modern touch interface of the compact camera with, despite the small and exquisite shape, it can shoot professional SLR camera photos.

Light L16Compact camera

We have never seen a camera like this before. The black figure is like a spider hideous face. The camera is called L16 Light, it may not look like a photographic tool, but it is hoped to complete a seemingly impossible task: to make a pocket sized device to take pictures of professional quality.

If it is a traditional camera, if you want to improve the image quality, the user must increase the size of the digital sensor. The best quality professional camera, sensor size is also the largest, probably equivalent to 35 mm photo frame. The problem is, the larger the size of the sensor is also very high price. In addition, they also need to be a big shot in front of, in this way, the camera not only bigger, but also very heavy.

The working mechanism of L16 Light is completely different. The development of L16 Light has been inspired by the small, cheap, smart phone, which is composed of 16 completely independent sensors and lens modules. Each module can capture different images with different focal lengths, and all image pieced together became a 5200 million pixels on the big picture. L16 Light lens size between 35 mm to 150 mm.

Light L16内部图

According to L16 Light development team, in addition to resolution, the camera in the low light environment performance is also very prominent, and its details even better than some professional digital SLR camera. The author also saw the light L16 shooting photos proofs, although due to the limited number of proofs, so we can't get any reliable conclusions, but it left me the first impression is, photo quality is really amazed. The following is scaled photo proofs, they look good results, but will not do much to illustrate the performance of this camera:

Light L16拍摄效果

Light L16拍摄效果

Light L16拍摄效果

Of course, the image quality is only one aspect of the quality of the camera. A lot of information due to the multiple lens collection, Light L16 allows users to control the depth of field after filming. L16 Light back there is a touch screen interface, so that users can choose to focus on the image part. Lytro's optical field technology has shown us the same ability, but the effect of this technology in practice, I have some doubts - I have the same doubts about L16 Light.

Photographers are very strict requirements of the workflow: must be fast, flexible. If L16 Light and the like are limited by the way they take pictures, whether it is because of the shutter speed, processing time limit, or output format restrictions, it is difficult for people who have been accustomed to the traditional workflow, they are very difficult to accept this technology.

Light L16小型相机

I also asked these questions, L16 Light development team said, this camera will give me a relaxed, natural experience. But I still have some questions still unanswered, because I just started operation in the light of L16 prototype, as long as until the official version of the real listed on that day, we can on its performance in various environments have real understanding.

L16 Light's target audience is mainly non professional photographers, these people just want to use small, easy to use equipment to shoot a good effect of the image. The camera is similar to the shape of the smart phone design and modern touch interface, it should be able to enhance its appeal.

Unfortunately, the price of L16 Light is another matter. Light L16 plans to market in the late summer of 2016, the price of 1700 dollars. Users can book at $1300 next month. In view of the high price, L16 Light only gives a very stunning performance, can make people feel the value of money. (compile / Qing Chen)

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